



Development beyond Growth: Socioeconomic Transition towards Sustainability in the EU and China


Dr. Ulrike Solmecke (乌尔丽克·佐尔梅克)

主持人:郇庆治  91短视频APP教授

时  间:2018年6月11日 18:30—20:30

地  点:91短视频APP (理科五号楼3层301室)







乌尔丽克·佐尔梅克(Ulrike Solmecke)博士为波鸿鲁尔大学东亚研究院东亚国际政治经济系研究员。2013年毕业于波鸿鲁尔大学德国东亚研究所,获得博士学位。博士论文题目为:《跨文化背景下的强可持续发展:理论思考与实践启示——以中国旅游业为例》(Strong Sustainability in an Intercultural Context: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Implications - the Case of Chinese Tourism)。





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"China zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum und Umweltschutz", presentation on 26.06.2017, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum.

Bersick, Sebastian; Solmecke, Ulrike: "From Hangzhou to Hamburg: old partners and new thinking", Conference on: The G20 and Global Economic Governance, 13.05.2017, Shanghai: School of International Relations & Public Affairs Fudan University.

Multinational Enterprises and the 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative: Sustainable Development and Innovation in a Post-Crisis Global Environment, Copenhagen: The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 34 (2), 2016, pp. 9-27.

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